Friday, March 25, 2011

He’s Right There

So many times we get very fixed on the thing in front of us.  We let what is going on around us cause us to fear.  Did you know that fearing circumstances and situations is a sin?  It shows a lack of faith in your heavenly Father’s ability to take care of you and the situation.

An example of how this irritates our Lord is in Matthew 9:26, Jesus says something to His disciples I would never want to hear from Him, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”  What was He talking about?  A boat ride across a lake.  The disciples had recently witnessed, first hand, Jesus’ sermon on the mount, they watched as He healed a man of leprosy, they were surely amazed by the report of the Centurion's daughter who had been healed by his amazing faith, He even healed Peter’s mother-in-law.  All these things had transpired prior to boarding the boat to the other side of he lake.

Jesus was comfortable, the rocking of the water was probably very soothing.  Soon He was sleeping and as He slept a storm came in over the lake.  The disciples woke Him terrified of the storm, not focused on the fact that God in the flesh was sitting in the boat with them asleep or not.  If He wasn’t concerned about the storm, why were they?

This story truly parallels our own Christian walk.  How many times do we get distracted from our pursuit and relationship with God because of circumstances.  The winds and waves of life start to blow and toss our tiny vessel and we often quickly forget that God is in the boat with us, and He’s not concerned.  To worry or fret about these “outside” influence is a sin, because in essence you are saying that you believe that they are bigger and stronger than God is.  “You of little faith,” 

Faith requires that we hold fast to the promise that God has given us in the situation and forget about the elements.  Do you really think Jesus would have gotten into that boat if He had thought there was any chance they wouldn’t make it to the other side?  When we start to get upset He is asking us “Why are you afraid? Don’t you trust Me?”  Your fear is a way of saying that you don’t and perhaps you may not really believe He is who He says He is or can do what He says He can do.

In Psalms 66:12, a clear statement is made about how God deals with us and situations.  “You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but You brought us to a place of abundance.”  Sound familiar?  Been through some fire and water places recently?  Feel like men are riding over your heads?  That’s okay, because God will bring you to a place of abundance if you stand firm in Your faith in who He is and what He can do.

From Light for My Path – Prayers & Promises

All things are possible to him that believes  Mark 9:23

What an amazing promise this is, Lord!  I can hardly believe You wrote this to me.  You’ve opened so many doors to me, simply because I have faith in You.

I know that amazing promise doesn’t mean I can demand anything I want.  There are plenty of wrong things in this world – or things that would simply be wrong for me – that Your promise doesn’t automatically cover.  But You have given me an open door to all the good things You offer me, all the positive things that I can do, and all the challenges You want me to overcome.

When it comes to the things You say are right, I don’t want to think too small.  All things are possible to You.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Word of Mouth

How powerful do you think your words are?  Do you think you have the power to make the difference in someone’s life by what you say?  Do you believe you have the power to make the difference in your own life by what you say? 

Word of mouth, is a saying for something that is not written down but is passed down or around from one person to the next by verbal statements.  It has more power than the most expensive advertising campaign.  It can make or break a business.  It can also make or break a person. 

Proverbs 18:8 gives a very clear warning about gossip, which is what “word of mouth” can be considered at times.  “The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts.”  They don’t just touch you on the surface, they go deep within and can hurt you, or others.

What is more important about the words of our mouth is how much damage we can do to ourselves.  When we don’t feel good about ourselves, we tend to lash out and hurt others to cover up for the hurt we feel inside.  This is referred to as projection in psychology.  Another term in psychology is called a self-fulfilling prophecy.  If you tell yourself that you are not very good, that you cannot succeed at anything, you will subconsciously do everything you can to make sure that you are just that.  Many times those thoughts and ideas were “planted” by your parents or some other authority figure.  Those words went down into your innermost parts and took root.

The way to get those “weeds” out is to start seeing yourself as God created you.  You have to stop listening to the lies of the enemy.  God did not make you to doubt yourself.  The words of your mouth should be mimicking what God says about you, not man or Satan.  If we go to Psalm 18:32 we find, “It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.”  Not makes my way imperfect or makes me weak.  We are strong in Him and perfect.  That is not arrogance that is assurance, blessed assurance.

You must start changing the words that come from your mouth to positive affirmations.  Start saying “I will NEVER belittle myself!  I will NEVER criticize myself!  I did NOT make myself!  GOD MADE ME!  I am HIS workmanship!  I will NOT criticize or put down what He has made!”  You see when you start talking badly about yourself or anyone else for that matter you are judging God’s handiwork.  Is that really your place?

The words of our mouth have so much power.  We can lift up or we can tear down all based upon what we say to ourselves and each other.  Each word that we utter is a seed that we are planting in the hearts of those who are listening.  It may be our own ears, it may be our spouse’s ears, it may be our children’s ears, it may be our grandchildren’s ears, it may be another family member’s ears, it may be a friends’ or peers’ ears, it may be a complete stranger it really doesn’t matter, what does matter is that we make sure that we are using our word of mouth to edify as God has ordained.

Everything that was created was created by word of mouth.  Read Genesis, God spoke and creation began.  Even Lucifer’s fall came about not because of his thoughts but because of the words of his mouth.

We will not be judged by our thoughts, but by our words and deeds.  When we learn to control our mouths, we will find that we have subsequently learned to control our thoughts.  They go hand in hand.  When you put the breaks on your tongue and let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you, your thought life will follow along.  The negativity that was a ruling part of your being will be ushered out, and positive light will flow through you and from you to others as His Spirit touches the lives of others around you. 

Remember, “Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light so shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”  Matthew 5:15-17  Speaking negative words are like putting your light under a bowl.  How can anyone see your light through all that darkness?

We reap what we sow, and we sow with our mouths.  Are you up to the challenge of controlling yours to sow light and life into yours and others lives?

From Light For My Path – Prayers & Promises

My Email has an option to “unread” an Email.  Although I don’t know any specific purpose for such a feature, I do wish for an “unsay” option for my mouth.  I am often dismayed at what I say and regret that the words cannot be taken back.

Lord, I pray that I will put my mind in gear before putting my mouth in motion.  Instead of causing division and hurt, let my words uplift and bless.  I pray that my conversations will bring unity and hope.

In Jesus name,


Monday, March 14, 2011

A Proverbs 31 Woman's Life: Say What?

A Proverbs 31 Woman's Life: Say What?: "Do you ever think about what you talk about? About the words that are coming out of your mouth. As Chris Tucker said in that mov..."

Say What?

Do you ever think about what you talk about?  About the words that are coming out of your mouth.  As Chris Tucker said in that movie, “Can you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?”  Sometimes, it not as much about understanding the words that are coming out of our mouths, but the fact that certain words shouldn’t be coming out of our mouths in the first place.  Especially if we are Christians.

I’m not talking about obvious foul language, that’s a no brainer.  What I’m talking about is knowing when to speak and when to be quiet.  What to say when is a finely honed skill.

Proverbs has a lot to say about our mouths, in Proverbs 15:1 for example it says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”  This means that we need to think before we speak.  When someone says something hurtful to us, we cannot just have a knee jerk defensive reaction to their statement.  More than likely if we do that, the comment that we have will be cutting and will escalate the situation stirring up the spirit of dissension.

Have you ever noticed that when people are angry that the feeling seems to hop from one person to the other like it is alive?  That’s because in a way it is.  It is so difficult to remember that in the heat of battle that we are in a war.  A spiritual war, you are not actually fighting with the person you are confronting.  You are dealing with the spirit that is on them, and they are doing the same.  Those spirits that are getting you to go at each other are laughing hysterically as they get you to tear each other to shreds verbally at the least, sometimes physically in worst case scenarios. It also builds hostile feelings towards one another and essentially causes you to sin in your anger.

The next verse in Proverbs 15 says, “The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.”  This could have to do with business dealings, but it can also be about the previous argument.  If you take the gentle answer road than you will also input knowledge into the situation which will help to diffuse the whole chaotic mess before it gets started. 

However, if you take the harsh word low road, than you will be gushing out stuff that is just harmful folly.  Saying hurtful and nasty things to the other person just to try and one up them or get them to shut up and leave us alone. 

The high roads requires patience and self-discipline.  To keep from spouting off at the other person you have to listen to what they are saying and really hear what is bothering them.  They may have a legitimate complaint, regardless of how much they may just be a “complainer”.  This time it might be something “real”, but how will you know if you don’t listen?  If you immediately go into “self-defense” mode than you won’t hear the most important part of their conversation, what is really on their mind.  “He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise.  He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.” (emphasis mine) Proverbs 15:31-32.

It doesn’t matter the source, you never know who God may use to get a message through to you.  What matters is that you listen to the message before responding.  Jesus showed us the example of not defending ourselves when He allowed Himself to be falsely accused.  “Are You the king of the Jews?” asked Pilate.  “Yes, it is as you say,” Jesus replied.  The chief priests accused Him of many things.  So again Pilate asked Him, “Aren’t You going to answer?  See how many things they are accusing You of.”  But Jesus still made no reply, and Pilate was amazed.” Mark 15:2-5 (Emphasis mine)  He could have pled His case, He could have performed miracles to prove who He was, yet He did what God told Him to do…nothing.  He used wisdom no matter how “unwise” it may have seemed to the world.  Yet, God does not use our method of thinking or reasoning.  He sees the beginning from the end.  He knew that Jesus had to die to save us from our sinfulness.  This was the only way.  We only see the circumstance in front of us, and react to it.  This is why we must listen to the Holy Spirit’s “intervention” when confrontations arise and respond accordingly, as He directs.

Here are a few scriptures to think about:

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9

“Brothers, do not slander one another.  Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it.  When you judge the law, you  are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it.  There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and destroy.  But you – who are you to judge your neighbor?”  James 4:11-12

“The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the  parts of the body.  It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.”  James 3:6

What we say can do so much harm.  The bible refers to the tongue as a double-edged sword.  Satan knows this and if he can get you to use it against others it is a wondrous thing to him.  Words have so much power, and once spoken cannot be unspoken.

Think about it, what are prayer and incantations or spells made up of?  Words, spoken words.  That is how much power they have.  This is why it is so important that we are very careful with this extremely powerful weapon that we have and we do not just take it for granted.  Too often we act like a bunch of 5 year olds with automatic weapons that are fully loaded, that have no safeties and hairpin triggers.  Running around shooting anyone within earshot with our verbal bullets.  As Christians we have the responsibility to be careful with this powerful weapon so we don’t inadvertently hurt someone.

The way we can assure this, is that we treat everyone with the mercy, love and grace that we received from Christ and the Father when they forgave us our sins.  “Do not judge, and you will not be judged.  Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned.  Forgive, and you will be forgiven.  Give, and it will be given to you.  A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.  For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”  Luke 6:37-38 

It comes down to the key to controlling our mouths, and making sure that nothing ugly and unrighteous comes out of it is having a loving, forgiving, and merciful spirit at all times.  The Holy Spirit is that spirit, let Him lead and guide your mouth, turn it over to Him and your speech will always be glorifying to the Lord.

From Light for my Path – Prayers & Promises

Sometimes, Lord, training merely makes me feel bad because after learning what I should do, I realize that I fall far short of perfection.  For example, to communicate well, I should listen first.  But rather than listening, I am sometimes merely exercising patience while waiting to talk.  I should be attentive with my whole mind and body, and I should exchange ideas as well as words.

Father, please help me use my best listening skills when I come before You.  Give me the patience to wait for Your message.  Help me not be so anxious to put what I consider urgent matters before You first.  May I tune in to You with my mind and heart.

In Jesus name,


Friday, March 11, 2011

Emotionally Connected

If you have ever watched a toddler you have seen that throughout the day they go through a large range of emotions.  Happiness, anger, fear, sadness, joy, elation, boredom, irritability, you name it.  They let each and every one show too.  As we get older we are taught to not show these.  In other words, hold it in and “act” like an adult.

As I have continued to study the Psalms, I have noticed an amazing trend.  David, the person that God said was a man after His own heart was a man of great emotion.  He didn’t always show those emotions to the world at large, but he did show them to his heavenly Father.  He cried, a lot.  A grown man, who was a great leader of an entire nation, cried. 

One of the first things little boys are taught is not to cry.  Big boys and real men don’t cry, right?  Except, if the Bible is correct and we Christian believe it is, crying is a natural and right thing for us all to do.  That includes men.  We are to cry, literally, to our Father when things are not as we would like.  Now, this doesn’t mean that we act like spoiled brats and stomp our feet and pout and moan and groan when we don’t get our way.  I’m speaking about when we are walking in righteousness and obedience and we are being thwarted at every turn.  This is when we have to fall to our knees and literally cry for help if that is what we our “feeling” at that moment. 

The Holy Spirit guides us in our conversation with God.  He is our emotional connection with Him.  The only thing that would keep us from doing so would be a spirit of pride.  Pride is the thing that says we cannot let anyone, not even God see who we are or what we are feeling.  Yet, what are we really hiding from Him?  He sees everything that we are and all that we are feeling is like an open book to Him, no matter how hard we try to hide it.  The only one we are fooling is ourselves when we hold it in.  Not only are we fooling ourselves, but we are also hurting ourselves because holding all that stuff in causes ailments and diseases like ulcers and possibly even cancer.

In Psalm 56:8, David clearly states his emotions, “Record my lament; list my tears on Your scroll – are they not in Your record?” (italics mine)  This is the NIV translation.  The Amplified Bible says it like this, “You number and record my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle – are they not in Your book?”  David was very sure that God was aware of how he felt about all things.  He knew where he went and what his feelings were about his travels and how he was treated by friend and foe.  He knew that there was no point in trying to hide it from his Creator, so why do we?

The other thing, is that God does not start moving in the situation until we do come to Him and lay it at His feet.  When we let it go, and humble ourselves.  When we stop trying to pretend we can handle it all ourselves.  Only then will He move His hand and start to resolve it.  It may not be the way we would think it should be, but we do not know what the entire situation is that He is working.  What may seem like a bad thing at the moment, may have a much greater outcome due to that particular situation.  It may be something as simple as the learned patience and perseverance we gained from going through it holding His hand the whole way through.

Do you truly want to be connected with our Father?  Than put down your guard.  Strip the pride from your heart, and confess to God what you are feeling.  Let the tears flow.  Whether you are male or female, it does not matter.  With God there is no gender.  According to Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”  So, if that is the truth than what does the statement “Real MEN, don’t cry”, mean to God?  Absolutely nothing.  Real children of God, followers of Christ, do cry, do show their emotions when they are communing with their Father.  The operative part of that statement is “children”.  You see we are never referred to as tweens of God, teens of God, young adults of God, or even adults of God.  We are always CHILDREN, which means it’s okay to act like a child.  That includes dancing with joy, learning new things, looking at the world in wonder and awe, laughing and having fun just because, and yes, crying out to Daddy because we hurt or need help.

From Light for My Path – Prayers & Promises

Dear Lord, when a friend sees my distress and offers his support, my tendency is to wave him away and assure him that nothing is required from him.  I think I can take care of myself.  Father, I am also reluctant to pray about those burdens that I think I should be able to handle without Your help.  Help me realize that no matter how independent I may wish to be, I must come to You with a humble and contrite heart.  Forgive me for my attempts at self-sufficiency, and show me how to  accept help from others and from You.

In Jesus name, Amen.