Monday, September 27, 2010

Relationships with Ourselves

Why is the most difficult thing in life relationships?  I have pondered this question on a number of occasions.  Life is made up of them, that is why.  That's the answer I have come to.  Whether they are positive or negative, it is impossible to live without them.  We even have a relationship with ourselves, so becoming a hermit and avoiding people wouldn't help either.

The key is how to have a successful relationship.  It must be based on positive interactions.  What ends up happening is, all we do is based on our relationship with guess who?  Ourselves.  That relationship can be enhanced or decreased based on our relationship with God.  This is not something that can be put to the side, and dealt with outside of day to day events.  God needs to be in everything we do.  If we want to have a better relationship with ourselves, we have to cultivate our relationship with Him.  By doing this we are able to see ourselves through His eyes, and not the world's.  In this, even in this, we must ask for His help.

Think about it, your ideas about yourself, where did you get them from?  Most people it was from their parents.  If they nurtured your individuality, than you were truly blessed.  For most of us, our parents did not do this, they tried to turn us into miniatures of themselves.  This is not a evil plot on their part, it is just how they were treated, so they pass it on.  Trying to form us into something they could relate to and understand.  From parent to child, to parent to child.  The Bible refers to this behavior as a "generational curse".  It is something that is passed on from one generation to the next, and has a negative effect.

It has taken me 47 years to become the person God created me to be over 47 years ago.  To turn off all the negative influencing that I received because I was not what others wanted me to be.  I have finally been able to turn off the voices inside my head and listen to that still small voice that has been speaking to me my entire life.  He tells me I am beautifully and wonderfully made.  That I am mysteriously knit together.  Though He knows, I do not, the things that He has in store for me.  I need only hold on to the fact that His plan is to bless me, not to curse me.  Unlike my earthly parents, he is not trying to change me into His image so that He can better understand me.  He is changing me so that I can be fully blessed by what He created, originally.

Because of Jesus, I know that I am not a failure, or a flake, or a loser.  Bad things have happened to me in my life, as they do everyone.  It rains on the good and the bad.  The sinner and the saint.  My original relationship with me caused me to see myself as something inherently bad.  That these things happened because there was something wrong with me.  Men mistreated and abused me because I deserved it.   God has shown me that this is not true.  I am what He created me to be.  I'm extremely empathetic, I feel what others feel.  Unfortunately, this makes me very susceptible to becoming a fixer.  It causes me to put myself into relationships that tear me down, instead of building me up.  I "sacrifice" myself trying to make everyone's hurts go away.

When I read the Bible I find that this is not the way Jesus worked.  He was an empath as well of course, He's God.  Yet, He did not try to help people who didn't want to be helped.  People too prideful to admit that their relationship with themselves, the world, and ultimately Him was askew.  I am sure He knew the story behind each Pharisee that challenged Him.  He could have healed their hurts, but they never asked.

Look at Matthew 16:1, "Now the Pharisees and Sadducees came up to Jesus, and they asked Him to show them a sign (spectacular miracle) from heaven [attesting His divine authority].

You see, they didn't ask Him for healing or forgiveness.  No, they wanted Him to prove that He was the Christ.  Jesus saw into their hearts and knew their condition, verse 4 has Him replying to their challenge of His authority, "A wicked and morally unfaithful generation craves a sign..."  This is direct contrast to what He said to those He helped.

Time and again, every one of the people He helped He told them it was their faith that made them able to receive their desire.  They didn't ask for a sign, they asked for help.  They had a relationship with their own psyche, that said I need help.  I am weak and unable to do this for myself.  It doesn't make me a bad person or a failure.  This is just a situation in my life that is bigger than my ability to deal with it.  Jesus has the ability so I am going to get help from Him.

In our relationships with ourselves, we need help.  We need to ask God to reveal what is wrong in our hearts that is keeping us from having a great relationship with Him.  His grace is sufficient, because it covers everything that could possible be in error in ourselves.  It is how Paul was able to live with little or plenty and never change his opinion of himself.  What he had did not equal what he was.  As Joyce Meyer says, he was able to separate his who from his do.

Who do you see yourself as?  What are you measuring your self-worth by?  Jesus or the world?   This is why we must take time out as Jesus did each day to reconnect with our Creator.  He will keep us on the right path, the narrow path that leads to righteousness.  Once you have that understood, you will be able to move into the next realm of your relationship with others.  There are no shortcuts in this, it takes time, prayer, meditation, and study of His Word.  Then and only then will you be able to "honestly" be able to build the relationships around you.

We know that nothing is impossible for you.  If we only ask, You are faithful to reveal to us Your original plan for our lives.  This starts with our relationship with You and ourselves.  Help us to see ourselves through Your eyes, and blank out all the negative input.  Help us to restore our minds to the original factory setting.  Your original design.  We know that this is possible through Your hand moving in our lives as we permit.  Give us the strength, Your strength to do this.

In Jesus name,

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Choose to Exemplify Christ

A few days ago I blogged about getting angry.  About controlling our anger and not letting it control us.  It never fails that when you get on a subject that is going to bless many, the enemy comes at you to try to get you to betray the very thing that the Lord gave you to stand up for.

So here's the deal.  My husband and I were separated for almost 2 years.  The original reason for our separation was to keep us from getting divorced.  We argued consistently and each day became more tense than the last.  It was to be a time out to get closer to the Lord and allow Him to do a work in each of us.  Needless to say, it didn't go that way.  The enemy got a hold of my husband, and twisted him off the path of the Lord and after his own desires.  I know this because his actions did not align with the Bible in any way, shape, or form.  I don't blame him, I keep it where it belongs...the influence of Satan on his mind.  We are reconciled now, although he filed for the divorce, so by man's law we are no longer married.  However, God does not do things as man does so by the law of the Lord, yes we are still married.  Legalism has no place in Christianity.

So, to fast-forward a bit, during the time he spoke negative words against me, spreading his bad feelings to others.  Yes, many were at the church we now attend.  However, we are back together now and although we are fine and building our relationship up each and every day...  those he spoke evil towards me to see me as the woman he said I was, and they despise me.  I'm not talking about secular folks, in fact those folks have welcomed me back to town, and expressed how happy they are that my husband and I are back together.  It has only been the "Christian" community that has rejected me.  A woman last week actually glared at me for several moments before moving to the other side of the church because she didn't want to sit near me.  The others ladies are not quite that blatant, but their coldness leaves no doubt that they don't approve of or like me.  This is a church I used to bless by singing in, I am no longer asked to do that, either.  I am a pariah as far as they are concerned.  It is not racial, yes I am one of the very few blacks that go to this church, because prior to our separation these same women were very pleasant to me.  No this is pure and simply a judgment based on words that were spoken about me to them.  This is why we must be so careful about what we say, once words are spoken they can do some serious damage.  God's word tells us time and again to think before we speak.  The tongue according to James can set aflame an entire forest, and it certainly has here.  This is a classic case of the word in action.

Well, I could get angry and be hurt.  No one would blame me, except Jesus.  Okay, I am hurt, I can't help my feelings, but I don't have to "act" from those feelings.  I can either allow myself to get angry or see this as an amazing opportunity to not only bless those who curse me, but be a witness to an unbelieving world.

What an opportunity indeed.  Instead of judging in return those that are judging me, I pity them.  For they are not truly following the ways of our Christ, and will need to answer to it come Judgment Day.  You see that's when judgment should happen, not now.  We have to be so careful about what we say and do.  We cannot give any room to the enemy, let him through any door or through our armor.

James says to count every trial and tribulation as pure joy.  It is an opportunity for me to become more like Jesus.  This is an incredible spiritual growing and learning experience.  God is blessing me through this.  It may not seem to be that way as I face rejection week after week.  However, rejection has always been something that was difficult for me to deal with.  Whenever I came across it, I would run.  This blog would go on forever if I started going into my childhood and what made me this way.  God is unmaking me, He is re-creating me into the person I was when I came from my mother's womb.  Before the impact of interaction with man caused me to respond in defense, and not as He created me to act.

So now, He is putting me in place where I have to face what I have always run from, rejection.  Time and again He has done this, and like Elijah after dealing with the false prophets.  Each time He has brought me back to it, with the question; "How are you going to respond?"  This time I choose, yes I choose to respond with love.  The love of Jesus Christ for all mankind.  People are wrong for judging me, but I am not going to fall into the trap of judging them and retaliating.  No, I wish each and everyone the best.  I pray that God blesses them and pours out His love on them.  Why, because as Jesus said, I say now.  Forgive them for they know not what they do.

Only God can reach them and show them how He wants them to live.  It is not up to me.  What is up to me, is living up to His sacrificial example.  Being an example for others, showing them the way to Jesus.  I will never do that by trying to get even, or get ugly with folks.  No, I want others to come to Christ because He has a better way.  They will only know that by seeing the way I react when under fire.    The folks around you, are the same.  They will see Jesus in you each and every time that you respond to the attack with prayers and blessings.  Let only positive, uplifting words flow from my tongue.  This is truly walking in faith.  For what I believe I create.  If I believe I let Jesus work through me to help other people, even if I must feel hurt and betrayed.

Jesus said in John 15:16-25, You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you [I have planted you], that you might go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit may be lasting [that it may remain, abide], so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name [as presenting all that I AM], He may give it to you.  This is what I command you; that you love one another.  If the world hates you, know that it hated Me before it hated you.  If you belonged to the world, the world would treat you with affection and would love you as its own.  But, because you are not of the world [no longer one with it] , but I have chosen (selected) you out of the world, the world hates (detests) you.  Remember that I told you, A servant is not greater than his master [is not superior to him].  If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you; if they kept My word and obeyed My teachings, they will also keep and obey yours.  But they will do all this to you because of [your bearing] My name and on My account, for they do not know or understand the One Who sent Me.  If I had not come and spoken to them, they would be not be guilty of sin [would be blameless]; but now they have no excuse for their sin.  Whoever hates Me also hates My Father.  If I had not done (accomplished) among them the works which no one else ever did, they would not be guilty of sin.  But [the fact is] now they have both seen [these works] and have hated both Me and My Father.  But [this is so] that the word written in their Law might be fulfilled, They hated Me without a cause."

So, if Jesus was not exempt from this kind of behavior towards Him from people who supposedly believed in Him, remember many while He was being scourged and crucified were at one time followers of Christ, how am I any different?  Why would I be exempt from this treatment, when He says in His word that this is what will happen?  This just proves to me that I am truly His follower and I truly belong to Him not the world.

It was a long trip to this place I sit right now, but it has been worth every emotional bump, bruise, and cut along the way.  I am today closer to Him than I ever was, and tomorrow I will be even closer.  For I must decrease, and Christ must increase and this is how He does that.

Let me keep my eyes on You.  Jesus, help me to emulate You in all that I do, but especially in my responses to others.  I do not fight against flesh and blood, but against principalities as Your word speaks.  I trust You to bless me each and every day.  I trust You to keep me on point, neither looking right or left.  Help me to know the peace that goes beyond all understanding.  Help me to remember always, that I can do all things through Christ Jesus, who gives me strength, and not by my own strength.  The battle belongs to You, I will be still and let You do Your work.  I will praise You as Your right hand moves within my life and makes my path straight and sure.  Thank You for loving me this much to keep me under the pressure until I am re-created into Your original creation.

In Jesus name,



Tuesday, September 21, 2010

There are Two Kinds of Faith

Faith, I wrote about the difference between common sense and faith yesterday.  It go me to thinking a little more deeply on the subject.  My thoughts lead me to two distinct questions.  What is faith...exactly?  How do I make sure I'm "walking" in faith each day?

So first, what is faith?  Well, according to Hebrews 11:1 (I use the amplified bible, I love the way it expands the text to all the meanings that the Hebrew or Greek word meant) Paul explains faith this way. "Now faith IS the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses.]. (Italics mine)

What is a title deed exactly, well it is a piece of paper that says you own something.  You can have a title for your car, or a deed for your house.  They are all "proof" of ownership.  So this means to me that faith is proof of my ownership of what I am hoping for.  Something that has not manifested in the natural, by faith is mine spiritually because I believe it is so.

This causes me to absolutely convinced that they are real.  Want an example?  Your faith in Jesus Christ.  You have all that He promised, you will have eternal life with Him because you have a conviction in your heart that it is so.  Nothing physical proves it, there is nothing "tangible" that says this is what is going to happen after you die.  No one has come back as far as I know to let any of us still here know for sure what is on the other side, save Jesus.  This we believe as well, through FAITH.  So in a nutshell, faith is a hardcore belief in something you haven't received yet, in things you cannot see.  Once you see them you no longer require faith to sustain your belief in it.  I hope I am making sense.

So my next question was, how do I make sure I am walking in faith everyday.  Well, the truth is that this is not the real question.  I walk in faith every single day, every hour, every moment.  How?  I have faith that I will be able to breath in and breath out with no difficulties.  Nothing says that something wont happen to me to make that so, but by faith I believe that this is not a problem.  When I am in FULL FAITH, I don't think about it, I just do it, expecting a result.

Ever have an asthma attack?  The worse thing in the world you can do in the midst of one is tense up and worry about being able to take your next breath.  You have to force yourself to relax, let the air come in and out, and stop thinking about how hard it is to breath.  You have to have faith that the next breathe is going to come, and it does.

How about getting out of bed in the morning.  Every morning I wake up and I have faith that I will be able to swing my legs around, sit up and get out of bed.  I expect it to happen and it does.

Whenever I walk, I have full faith that one foot will go before the other.  One leg will follow the other.  I don't think about it I just do it.  In faith.  I believe, first, that I will be able to take the next step, the action comes next.

I can go on like this for pages and pages, but I'm sure you get the picture.  We live in a state of faith at all times.  The big hurdle is what are we putting our faith energy into?  Am I having faith that I WONT be able to pay the bills this month?  Or, am I having faith that God will provide everything, just like He provides my ability to breath and walk?

It's amazing what will happen if you start really thinking about how much you use faith each and every second of your life.  Satan can't steal my faith, he can't keep me from having faith.  It is what makes me able to function.  So he has to do what he can do, steer my faith in the wrong direction.  It is up to me to stay focused on Jesus Christ, on things above as Paul put it, so the enemy is not able to do this.  There is so much power in faith.  This is why Jesus said with faith the size of a mustard seed I can move a mountain.

If I can move my body, teach it to do "new" tricks, etc...  which is all by faith, than there is nothing that can stop me from attaining what God has promised me.

What stops me dead in my tracks, what stalls my forward momentum?  Doubt.  Which is nothing more than negatively charged faith.  It pulls my faith in two directions at once, and like James wrote, "If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him.  Only it must be in faith that he asks with NO wavering (no hesitating, no doubting).  For the one who wavers (hesitates, doubts) is like the billowing surge out at sea that is blown hither and thither and tossed by the wind.  For truly, let not such a person imagine that he will receive anything [he asks for] from the Lord.  [For being as he is] a man of two minds (hesitating, dubious, irresolute), [he is] unstable and unreliable and uncertain about everything [he thinks, feels, decides]. James 1:5-8 (Capitalization mine)

I cannot be of "two" minds, one will always be at war with the other and stop me from making any progress.  Stagnated and putrefied, that is what becomes of all my efforts when I allow my faith to waver towards the negative, while trying to stay positive.  Ever been around stagnate water?  It is disgusting to look at, smell, and feel.  If I let this continue, my physical life begins to reflect my spiritual.  Things start to fall apart and I feel at a loss, consistently.  This is when I am most prone to cry out, "Why God, Why?"  The answer is right in front of me.  Because, I have not been applying my faith towards things above as He directed.

Now, I know this is not an easy proposition.  God knows it as well.  That is why Jesus directed us in Matthew 6:33-34 this way, "But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.  So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own.  Sufficient for each day is its own trouble."  First thing when I get up, I should be seeking my connection with Him, He will show me the way through today's concerns.  When I get really worried, it is not about today I am worrying, no it is my faith being applied negatively towards tomorrow and what will happen if I don't do this, or if I do this the wrong way, or don't make the right decision, etc...

So let me wrap this up.  You and I are always walking in faith, but there are two kinds of faith.  Negative and positive.  Which one we use is up to us.  The key is that we have to decide to use one exclusively, otherwise we get pulled in two directions at once which causes anxiety and distress, and a sense of no control over any circumstances in our lives.  Personally, I have no desire to use negative faith, I will stick with the positive.  To do this, we must each take time out every single day to seek God's face and have a real relationship with Him.  It can't just be a Sunday morning visit, He wants to spend every waking (and sleeping) moment with us and for that to be our conscious decision.  This is a life that He rewards, if with nothing more than an incredible peace of mind.

Thank You for giving us faith.  You have given us free will as well, and we can use our faith to advance or retreat.  Thank You for showing us and revealing to us consistently Your hand at work in our lives.  We are not able to make progress without positive faith.  Show us each and every time we begin to slip into the realm of negative faithfulness, and accept our humble plea for forgiveness.  We repent of the propensity to doubt You, and pledge ourselves to You this day.  Making a complete sacrifice of all we are, to become more like You Jesus.  Help us to follow Your example, and seek our Father's face each and every day, so we are consistently running the race to win.  Keeping our eyes on the prize, which is eternity with You.

In Jesus name,


Monday, September 20, 2010

Faith vs Common Sense

A huge part of being a Christian, well actually the primary part of being a Christian is "faith".  According to Paul, Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  In respect to our salvation, this is purely done on Faith.  We trust and believe that we are saved or redeemed from certain alienation from God for eternity by the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the cross.  We trust and believe in this by the grace of God's Holy Spirit imparting it into our hearts, and accepting it as truth or gospel.

With that I would like to get to the meat of what I'm talking about today.  This weekend I received a letter and "cashiers check" from a reputable company, supposedly.  The problem is that it wasn't actually from the company.  It's a scam, to get me to wire money to them, thus living me in severe financial straights when this check comes back fraudulent in about 30 days.  Now, I could " by faith" have moved forward, since I could definitely use money right now, but God gave us something else...common sense.  Too often we Christians get messed up with faith vs common sense.

Quite often common sense will get in the way of faith, this is a fact!  The steps that God often asks us to take many times go against every ounce of common sense we could factor.  However, we have to adhere to one truth, God never goes against His own word.  We are told that we are to compare everything to the scriptures to see if they align with it.  If not, it's not from Him.  Remember, Satan is very subtle, he will appear as an angel of light to fool us.  So with that here are a few tips that I would like to pass along to help you make an informed decision in regards to these letters.

  1. Look at the envelope.  Does it have a return address?  Does it have a postage meter mark or a stamp?  No reputable company these days send anything out to anyone without a return address, and they also never, ever use "stamps".  For tax purposes, and account expenditure tracking, as well as saving on labor usage, they use a postage meter.
  2. The letter - Even if it looks like an official letter, take the time to look it up online. Go to a library if you need to.  Use Google, find the official company site.  Now, more than likely the address on the letter will match the address on the internet, however there is usually a phone number on the letter.  It WILL NOT match any number on the site.  This screams SCAM.  If the company site states they are open Mon - Fri 8 - 5, and you call on a Saturday and someone answers the phone, even if they answer with the company name....  It's a SCAM.
  3. Now, lets get down to some real common sense here.  Even if you don't have any of the other information available, think about this.  What company would send thousands of dollars to an individual expecting them to "wire" the money back to them, without any type of written or oral contract stating that you WILL return the money.  What is to keep the person from cashing the check and running with them money?  If they tried to prosecute, you would only have to say they "gave" me the money.  The burden of proof is on the company.  They sent a check to you, so who's to say they didn't just give it to you.  What company would do this?  No business is that trusting of the general public at large.  
This is a case where common sense is plain and simple.  Nothing in the Bible directs you to do something like this.  God would never send money to anyone in this fashion.  It's not how He works.  When money comes from him it is clean, clear and without any questions attached.

If you receive one of these letters, do the right thing, contact the company and let them know.  Not the number on the letter, but the one on their official site.  If these people start to see that they will spend time in prison for these acts, perhaps we can get them to slow it down.  I don't think it will ever stop, any more than any other crime has been completely stopped by the threat of jail time, but perhaps a few will back off.

We need to do what we can to protect our Christian brothers and sisters as well.  Many of the targets of these scams are older people who aren't savvy when it comes to this stuff.  Let's keep an eye out for each other and use the gifts that God has given us when appropriate.  This the Holy Spirit will direct.

As we go through our day to day lives, we know that we will run into strife and stresses.  We ask that You give us the wisdom to know what is from You and what is from the enemy.  Help us to be a vanguard to protect those who are not in the know.  Let us be Your servant in this, and not be afraid to put ourselves out and do what is right.  Let us not look at the time and energy it may cost us to do the right thing, but to obediently do what You have lead us to do.

In Jesus name,


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bless those who persecute you...

Ever have a situation where someone, or maybe a group of someones don't like you?  You don't know why, you didn't say anything to them, in fact if you could piece together ten sentences you had spoken to them in your entire knowledge of their existence you would be stretching yourself.  Beyond the courtesy "Hello, how are you?", well you just haven't interacted with them.  I'm sure you have, I don't think anyone over the age of five hasn't.  I find this mind-boggling, when I think about it in the natural.  When it is even more, confusing is when it happens within the church body.  When one Christian or set of Christians commit this against another.

Recently, I have been dealing with this.  I realized that this is an opportunity.  I am counting it pure joy, just as James said.  You know the scripture, it starts out the book of James for the most part, it's the second verse of the first chapter, "Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations."

Let's dissect this a bit, he says "trials of any sort".  Pretty broad statement.  He doesn't say, when the world comes against you.  When secular folks attack you.  He says "any sort".  That includes unwarranted disapproval from our brothers and sisters in Christ.  In fact, this test is probably the hardest of them all.  We expect them to hold themselves to a higher level of behavior or attitude, yet they are humans.  They are plagued with a sinful nature.  Just like me and just like you.  That  is why they need Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, just like me and just like you.  So what is the test?  How am I going to choose to respond to this "rejection."

I can choose many options, the selection is like a menu of wrong attitudes I could develop and cultivate in response, and the "world" wouldn't blame me.  However, Jesus would.  Here's a sampling, I could:
1. Shun them
2. Start a smear campaign
3. Speak negatively of them every opportunity I had, with the cover of "Let us pray for them."
4. Say nothing, yet harbor a grudge

Oh the list could get really, really long.  How does God say I should respond?  Let's turn to the book of Hebrews for the answer.

First, I need to remember that these things happen the most when I am seeking to follow the Lord, wholeheartedly.  The devil is still out there, and he is still roaming around like a lion seeking someone to destroy.  How does he destroy us?  By getting us to respond incorrectly to circumstances, especially if the negative circumstance is being inspired by a brother or sister.  Remember, they are being use of the enemy to get to you, and to tear down their Christian walk as well.  Plus, if new Christians see this behavior, if non-Christians see this behavior what does that do to their concepts of who we say we are vs. how we act?

I am running a race, my goal to become the child of God that He created me to be and become more like Christ everyday.  In Hebrews 12:2, "Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith [giving the first incentive for our belief] and is also its Finisher [bringing it to maturity and perfection].  He, for the joy [of obtaining the prize] that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God." (Italics mine)  Endured and ignored the shame is what Jesus did for me, can I not do the same?

Go on to verse 3, "Just think of Him Who endured from sinners such grievous opposition and bitter hostility against Himself, [reckon up and consider it all in comparison with your trials], so that you may not grow weary or exhausted, losing heart and relaxing and fainting in your minds. (Italics mine).  See it's in my head that all this gets blown up and out of proportion.  If I keep it in perspective, comparing it to what Jesus went through for me, it's nothing and I will continue to do what is good, and walk the road of righteousness He lays out before me.

Skip to verses 14 and 15, "Strive to live in peace with everybody and pursue that consecration and holiness without which no one will [ever] see the Lord.  Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look [after one another], to see that no one falls back from and fails to secure God's grace (His unmerited favor and spiritual blessing), in order that no root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or hatred) shoots forth and causes trouble and bitter torment, and the many become contaminated and defiled by it -" (Italics mine).  This tells me that I am susceptible to getting grief from anybody, Christian and non-Christian.  However, if I don't keep my response correct, I am not pursuing His holiness and bitterness starts to build up within me.  Subsequently, the people I come in contact with are affected by it and may be thrown off to pursue the wrong path.  Do I really want the pressure of that responsibility?  Do I want to stand before Jesus and have to answer to being the person who was responsible for showing a new Christian the wrong way to handle strife?  Do I want to have to answer to being the person that caused someone to say, "See that's why I don't bother with Christianity, look at her, that's how they act.  They talk about love, but they can't even be loving towards each other."  Not for me, no thank you.

Now, go to Romans 12:14, "Bless those who persecute you [who are cruel in their attitude toward you]; bless and do not curse them.  Again, this is an all-inclusive statement, I am to bless people no matter how they treat me, or what they do or don't do for me.

Verse 16 says, "Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty (snobbish, high-minded, exclusive), but readily adjust yourself to [people, things] and give yourselves to humble tasks.  Never overestimate yourself or be wise in your own conceits."  Clearly when we start to think too much of ourselves, start to become self-righteous we are in danger of breaking this command.  We fall prey to the enemies tactics, convincing us that it's okay because look what that person is doing.  Yet, how is this living in harmony.  As well, if I start looking at ways to get back at the person or people who are ill-treating me, how am I living in harmony?  Am I not thinking of myself better than them, in a sense?

Verses 17 & 18 continues, "Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is honest and proper and noble [aiming to be above reproach] in the sight of everyone.  If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."  (Italics mine)  There it is again, live at peace with everyone, and guess what it depends on me not the person attacking me.  Paul is saying, there is a way to live in peace with all people.  Let's go back to Hebrews... Looking away [from all that will distract] to Jesus.  That's the answer, right there.  Look away FROM the backbiting, the ugly looks, the finger pointing, or slanderous comments, and look TO Jesus.

Let me skip to Romans 12:21 to cement this, "Do not let yourself be overcome by evil, but overcome (master) evil with good."  (Italics mine).  Only I can allow myself to be overcome by evil.  Moving back to the book of James, I'll wrap this up.  James 4:1, "What leads to strife (discord and feuds) and how do conflicts (quarrels and fightings) originate among you?  Do they not arise from your sensual desires that are ever warring in your bodily members?"  Sensual, means sentient. The archaic definition of sentient is the conscious mind.  So what leads to all that James was speaking of?  The conscious desires within our mind that are consistently at war with Holy Spirit which is within our bodies.  This is why we must have a complete renewal of our mind, if we are to truly serve the Lord.

Why do I count these attacks as joys, like I said before?  Because, it gives me an opportunity to see how far I have progressed with the Holy Spirit.  I can see, am I more like Jesus and less like me, or have I stubbornly dug in my heals and refused to mature?

So next time someone or a multitude of someones comes at you, look away from them, look to Jesus and pray to Him, "What can I do to bless this person or these people?  For, as Your word prescribes I choose to bless those who are persecuting me, just as You did."

Heavenly Father,
So often it is difficult for us to give up or let go of the harmful daggers and arrows others throw at us. Lord, help us to remember that these come from the enemy ultimately.  Let us don our armor, wearing it consistently so that we are protected from each and every attack.  Let our actions and words be pleasing in Your sight Lord.  We thank You for allowing us the ability to come to You with these things and giving us a way out of every temptation, as Your word directs.  Each and every day let Your Holy Spirit guide us.

In Jesus name,


Saturday, September 18, 2010

What are you waiting for?

In today's economy, it almost seems as if nothing is attainable.  However, if you are a Christian, you ascribe to a book that is full of stories, wonderful testimonies of folks who attained their dreams and promises not through an inheritance, but through perseverance.  Story after story in the Bible is one of hope and faith, of overcoming the seemingly impossible to receive the improbable.  Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord.

The Old Testament is full of just such stories, well known and obscure.  One such story is the story of Deborah, Barak, and Jael.

You see Deborah was a prophetess, and she was a judge.  The leader of the Hebrews during this time of history.  We are not told how she came to be in this position, just that she was.  That she met the people under the palm of Deborah each day to judge and lead.

One day, things change for her.  God tells her to deliver a message.  You see, the Israelites have been crying out to God because of the oppression they have been under from Jabin's cruelty for the last twenty years.  Not that they were innocent or anything.  They had started up with  worshiping idols and all that nonsense...again.  Hence, God punished them with being overtaken and harshly ruled by Pagans.  I digress.

Back to the message.  Deborah is told to deliver a message to one Barak, son of Abinoam.  She was sent to send him on his way to do what God had instructed him to do.  God had obviously spoken to Barak and told him to go deal with Sisera, who was the general of Jabin's army.  Removing him would destroy Jabin's powerful hold on the Israelites.  However, because Barak was afraid he had not moved.  He had given up on his God-given assignment or dream.  He felt it was too big for him to do.  The truth be told, it was if he were to try to do it on his own.

How do we know that he has already gotten the message from God?  Let's look at Deborah's phrasing when she speaks to him.  in Judges Chapter 4, verses 6 and 7 she asks him, "Has not the Lord, the God of Israel, commanded [you], Go, gather your men at Mount Tabor, taking 10,000 men from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulon.  And I will draw out Sisera, the general of Jabin's army, to meet you at the river Kishon with his chariots and his multitude, and I will deliver him into your hand?"  Did you note the question marks?

She didn't say God is tell you go, she said didn't God command you to.

His response to her is that basically conditional.  "I'll follow God's direction only if you go with me."  Did you see this anywhere in God's command to him?  Me either.  God allows this, because we have "free will", however because of his refusal to fully trust God she gives him another message from the Lord.  "I will surely go with you, nevertheless, the trip you take will not be for your glory, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman..."  Basically, she is telling him because he will not trust God, his reward will be given to someone else.  That God's will is going to be completed by another, and the benefit for obedience will be given to that person not him.

So, they go.  The battle goes badly for Sisera and he flees, arriving at Jael's tent.  He assumes that she is an ally because her husband is Heber the Kenite.  The scriptures tell us that there was a truce between Jabin and Heber.  What he didn't know was that Jael was an Israelite and felt no such allegiance.  However, this is how God works.  He got comfortable, too comfortable because she did as Paul directed, fed and gave drink to her enemy.  Long story short, he fell asleep, she drove a tent peg through his temple, the honor of slaying Sisera went to a woman.  God directed her to kill him and she did.  No hesitation, no excuses.  She didn't stall, she embraced her new destiny with tent peg, and hammer in hand.

What about you?  Has God directed you to do something?  Has He sent someone to remind you to do it and you have made excuses not to?  Or, worse have you put stipulations on how you will do it?  If so, than you will forfeit His blessing and it will go to another.  Remember, He hasn't changed.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Whatever He has put before you go for it.  Give it 110%, know that it is not through your own power that you will accomplish it, but through His.  Than He will reward you for your obedience and faith.

How's that for a great God?  He does it and than rewards you for it.  All you have to do is believe.  So...what are you waiting for?

Help us to stay focused on You and not on the mountain.  Let us step out of the boat and do what you have assigned us to do and not worry about how we will stay afloat on the water, for we can only do it by Your power.  

In Jesus name,

Friday, September 17, 2010

Anger, What Do You Do With Yours?

Anger is not a bad thing.  No, really I'm not joking here.  Anger is a natural occurring emotional response.  This is why the Bible says for us to not sin in our anger, it doesn't say don't get angry.  It says to not let the sun go down on our anger, not that we wont get angry.

The problem is most of us go through life thinking that anger in and of itself is a sin.  That to get angry is bad.  It's not.  The sin is the same sin as any other thing we let control us instead of God.  If money becomes our focus, it's a sin.  If eating becomes our focus, it's a sin.  If our spouse becomes our focus, it's a sin.

When we focus on anger, how to get even with the person who has hurt us, how to not get ourselves into a situation again that will cause us to be the "butt" of someone's joke.  Quite often, getting control of what makes us angry is the first step to controlling our anger.

My suggestion?  Make a list of the things that "set you off", than leave some space beneath each one.  Under each thing that you have listed, write down exactly why it makes you angry.  No generalizations, like because it's mean for people who speak ill of you.  It's more than that, there is a reason, something within yourself, that causes this to trigger your anger.  Or, push your button for the modern day vernacular.  As you write out what it is about each thing that bothers you, again leave a little room.  Here's your challenge: find a scripture to overcome that particular thing.

The Bible is called the Living Word for a reason.  It has a real, prescriptive answer for each and every person.  Dr. Jesus is always in 24-7-365.  He is never out of the office.

We all have a different way of anger manifesting within us, but God doesn't care.  What He does care about is that it doesn't interfere with our walk with Him.  That it doesn't become our god or an idol.  This is why Jesus said that we are to pray in the Lord's prayer, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us." or "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors"  Doesn't matter, when we are angry with someone we feel as if they "owe" us something.  As if they have taken something from us, and they "owe us an apology" at the very least.  When we release this attitude, and embrace what Jesus spoke of, we let go of anger easily.  We forgive, apology or no.  We do it because it was what was done to us.

So, if you really want to know what to do with your anger, I suggest start by grabbing a pad of paper and a writing instrument, get alone with just the Holy Spirit and yourself, and start writing down the things that anger you like I said above.  You will be starting on the road to recovery and taking mastery over one of the most controlling emotions we have.

Anger leads to depression, abusive tendencies (towards yourself and others), retaliation, intolerance, financial irresponsibility, and a host of other negative responses.  More times than not we don't even realize this is the reason we are doing what we are doing, a repressed anger finding it's outlet in a destructive way.  This is why we are instructed not to let the sun go down on our anger.  The longer we hold it, the longer it festers, the more it shows up and hurts other people.

Give us the strength to search within ourselves and find the ugliness that unresolved anger has created.  Let us face it head on, and dispose of it like the garbage that it is.  Help us to resurrect the pure and simple person that You created us to be.  Take us through the refining fire of Your Word, and burn off all the destructive, warping grudges making us the humble vessels You intended.  Empty us first so we may be filled with Your Spirit and attain to Your perfect will.  We release all harbored anger right now, in Jesus name.


What do you do with your anger? Today's blog topic

Thursday, September 16, 2010

This Child is appointed and destined to...

Luke 2:34 shows us a very old man who has been waiting for quite some time for God's promise to manifest.  He was promised that he would not die until he saw the Messiah.  Jesus is brought to the temple for the ceremonial circumcision and dedication of the first born child to the Lord.  His words to Joseph and Mary are something we all should look at very closely.

Look at them again, "This Child is appointed and destined to..."   Why?  Because, this is not a statement that was only for Jesus.  This statement applies to every person ever born.  Simeon's appointment and destiny was to proclaim Jesus' appointment and destiny over Him.

Here are a couple of others, step through the Bible with me:

Noah - He was appointed and destined to, by faith, believe a great flood was coming that was going to destroy every living thing because God told him so.  He was appointed and destined to build an ark in spite of the laughter and humiliating mockery of the people of the time.  According to Genesis 6, God was fed up with mankind.  Man as a people, were degenerate, debased, and vicious.  They had corrupted their way on earth and lost their true direction. (Verse 12)  God, however, saw that Noah was a just and righteous man, blameless in his [evil] generation.  He walked [in habitual fellowship] with God.  (Verse 9)  What caused him to seek after God, when all around him was the opposite?  He was appointed and destined to build the ark and bring a remnant out of the flood.  That is what it was.  The flood happened suddenly.  In fact, once Noah was done with the Ark, he only had a week to get it stocked up and ready to go.  Seven days after God told him to take the animals two by two, and save his family the flood came.  There was no forewarning to the inhabitants of the earth that this disaster was coming, other than Noah building a very large vessel in the middle of dry land.  Why?   Because he had been appointed and destined to do so from birth.

Joseph - He was appointed and destined from birth to save his family, his people, and the Egyptians from a horrible famine.  He didn't know he was supposed to do this when he started having dreams.   His family did not believe in his destiny.  His brothers resented him because he had the audacity to speak out what he believed God had created him to be.  A leader of many, to the point that even his own family would be "beneath" him.  So, his brothers sold him into slavery.  That didn't stop Joseph from believing in himself.  He went to Egypt and became the best slave he could be.  He was doing his work as Paul put it, "Rendering service readily with goodwill, as to the Lord and not to men,  Knowing that whatever good anyone does, he will receive his reward from the Lord, whether he is slave or free."  Thus, he was promoted to the head of the slaves in Potiphar's home.  Know that Satan will come against you when you are working at your appointment and fulfilling your destiny, hence the accusation from Potiphar's wife which landed Joseph in prison.  Did he get a bad attitude?  No, he held fast to his appointment and became the finest prisoner in the prison, soon Joseph (because of God's grace) was given charge over all the prisoners in the prison.  Even in prison whatever he touched prospered.  Why?  Because he was appointed and destined to bring things to prosperity when he was born.  The rest of the story takes him to Pharaoh's rescue, being appointed second in command of all of Egypt, and subsequently not only rescuing his family from the famine but reconciling with them as well.

Judas - Now let me throw you a curve ball here.   You're probably saying, "Seriously, Judas?  What did he do?"  He was a very notorious character in the history of Christianity.  He has the dubious honor of being the most infamous person of the New Testament and the betrayer of the Savior.  He too was appointed and destined to do just that.  He was no Saint, which is my point exactly.  The rest of Jesus' entourage were Saints, flaws and all.   In fact, it is probably why Judas was "weeded" out.  He stole from the coffers, lied and cheated.  What was he doing following Jesus?   Judas' heart was never really sold out for the Lord, he was merely a front runner.  Probably a guy who liked to go against the grain, especially if he thought he could make a buck doing it.  What he hadn't counted on was the conviction of the Holy Spirit on his heart after the deed was done.  However, from being to end, betrayal was his birthright.

Paul - Started out wrong, he thought he was doing the right thing, and after a wonderful encounter with the Lord ended up on the correct road.  Wrote 2/3rd's of the New Testament, in the end suffered and died for the sake of Jesus.  The very Way he had been persecuting he died for.  Why?  I think you get it by now, he was appointed and destined to do so.

So, what were you appointed and destined to do?  If you are sold out for the Lord, than there is a wonderful future ahead of you.  If you haven't met Him yet, doesn't mean there isn't the same for you.  See, your appointment is waiting for you.  Your destiny is calling.  It doesn't matter what the rest of the world thinks, what matters is what you were created to do.  If you don't fulfill that, it will drive you insane...literally.  Psychologist offices are filled with people trying to "find" themselves.  People get divorces and remarry, try alternative lifestyles, drink excessively, abuse drugs, or food.  They become addicted to pornography, working out, or just plain working consistently all in a futile search for "who they are."

The answer to that question is only in the pages of the Holy Bible.  When you read and communion with God, He reveals to you who you are and why He sent you here.  Who better to know what your purpose is, than the One who created you?  Honestly, if you create something don't you know why you created it?  Would you ask your spouse, your parents, your siblings, the guy next door, or even your pastor why you created a picture, piece of poetry, or scrapbook, etc...  You see, He is the only One that actually knows so He gives you direction and purpose so that you can fulfill your original appointment and live up to your destiny.  Just like Jesus did.  Maybe, Simeon or someone like him, wasn't there when you were an infant to say, "This child is appointed and destined to...," but he didn't need to be.  God was, He said it and He meant it.

We thank You for creating us.  Thank You that we are not just here arbitrarily, but that we are here for a purpose.  We praise You for our divine appointment and embrace the destiny that You have assigned us.  Let us go at it as Joseph did with everything that is within us, because we are doing it for You, not for man.  We know that You will prosper our every effort when we are seeking Your favor and pleasure in our accomplishments.  Thank You for Your Word which leads us to Your perfect will, and the ability to pray, which keeps us in Your way and will.

In Jesus' name,


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Proverbs 31 Woman's Life: Recognize

A Proverbs 31 Woman's Life: Recognize: "It is with sorrow and pain I confess my overwhelming, sometimes all encompassing need to be recognized. Not on the local news or anything l..."


It is with sorrow and pain I confess my overwhelming, sometimes all encompassing need to be recognized.  Not on the local news or anything like that.  No, it is something so much more simplistic.  It's a need to have my ideas, opinions, thoughts, and feelings recognized by those around me.  To have what God is revealing to me be recognized.

What has happened is He has been bringing me repeatedly back to Paul's Damascus road experience and the aftermath.  No matter which direction I look, a conversation, a book I open, or an email.  All keep pointing me back to this divine encounter Paul had with Jesus.

He is saying that there are times when He will give assignments that no one else sees, hears, or mayhap even believes in.  That looking to man for confirmation or recognition of having heard from Him is wrong.  I must pray and look to His Word if I am to know for sure that what I am up to is truly His will.

Paul's traveling companions didn't see Jesus, they heard the voice and were speechless with terror because of it because they couldn't figure out where it was coming from.  Paul goes to Damascus and stays at a guy named Judas' house, of all people.  Now I don't know about you, but Ananias who was contacted by God in a vision, is told to go lay his hands on Saul and this is where he is staying.  The thought had to go through his mind, "is it a coincidence that this is the name of the same guy who betrayed Jesus our Lord and Savior?"  Granted it was a common name, but so was Joseph or Simon.  I'm sure you get my point.

So, Ananias does what he is told by God to do.  I'm sure if he had sought recognition for this prior, "supporters" would have talked him out of it.  Perhaps, that is why God many times does not let anyone else know about what He is up to.  Well meaning folks will try to reason us out of His will and into the world's rationale.

Another person who didn't get any immediate recognition was Daniel.  He had a vision in Chapter 8 of the book of Daniel.  He is told to keep the vision to himself, and that he wondered at the vision.  However, no one understood it and it could not be understood.  What an awkward and frustrating place to be in.  To have a message from the Lord, and no one understands where you are coming from, nobody can recognize what it is you're trying to impart.  The information was about something so far in the future that no one was capable of understanding it.  How could he be recognized for that, other than being a kook?  However, he wrote it down as instructed, because he knew it was important and was from God.

How about Zechariah, who was struck mute because he refused to believe Gabriel's message about Elizabeth's impending pregnancy?  To have had an amazing heavenly visitation such as that and literally being unable to tell anyone.  No recognition for this whatsoever because of one's own lack of faith.  I can skip that experience thanks, but how many time have I come close to this?  Refused to believe something God has imparted to me directly because it seemed "impossible" in the natural, forgetting that it was God Himself telling me what He was up to?

Back to Paul, you see he was a Pharisee.  A very strict sect of the Jewish religion.  He was well versed in Jewish law, the law of Moses.  Yet, he is accused of being insane by Festus, the Roman Governor of Judea at one point.  He makes the accusation that all Paul's learning has finally driven him over the edge.  Read Acts 26 for more on this.

You see it all comes down to wanting to have people put a rubber stamp of approval on whatever it is I am doing.  I want to be recognized for what I say, write, sing, do. Now, I know I'm not alone, but this is my confession and repentance.  I hate that I am so guilty of this, I have been so guilty of this.  I have had horrible dreams of people laughing at me for my gullibility.   My latest one was having all the people from church laughing at how naive I am for trusting God to restore my marriage, even though He told me He would.

I now recognize quite often people don't understand what I am doing when I am following God.  They don't recognize His hand at work in my life.  Today for the first time I understand, that's okay.  Moses had the same problem, so did Joseph to the extent his brother's sold him into slavery.  People stood around and laughed and pointed at Noah as he built the Ark.  Come to think of many people really believed Mary's story of how she got pregnant?  I wonder?


Help me to stay focused on Your will for my life.  Let me not worry about what others think or say, nor care whether or not they confirm to me that they recognize it is You at work.  What matters is that I test what I am given by Your word and once I am sure it is You, nothing else is of any concern.  Father, You placed me here for a reason, Your reason.  You love me and recognize me as Your own, and that is all I need to move forward and fulfill my destiny.

In Jesus name,



Tuesday, September 14, 2010

YouTube - Joyce Meyer - The Power of Simple Prayer

YouTube - Joyce Meyer - The Power of Simple Prayer

Joyce Meyer - Wrong Thinking

A Proverbs 31 Woman's Life: About Cyn - Who I Am - For Real

A Proverbs 31 Woman's Life: About Cyn - Who I Am - For Real: "Who am I? Well, I am a very complicated, uncomplicated person. I have been married 3 times, divorced twice and widowed once. Right now I l..."

Jesus mean Jehovah Saves

We often hear about Jesus being Emmanuel, God with us.  But, did you know that Jesus means Jehovah Saves? At birth our savior was designated for His assignment.  God saves.  With that in mind understand that we are all sent here with an assignment to fulfill.

How do we know what it is we are to be doing while we are here on earth?  Well, we all know that we are to spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  That's the great commission.  However, we all have individual missions as well.

I talked the other day about us each being cells within the body of Christ.  Each cell within a body has a function to perform, as long as it performs it's function correctly the body functions correctly.  It is a quid pro quo of sorts.  When it does not, it effects the rest of the body.

Many of us have no idea what are assignment is.  Did you know, just like Jesus you were given it when you were sent here?  Look at an infant, look at a toddler.  Prior to human interference they know who and what they are about.  Watch them, often they look as if the are listening to someone you can't see.  I believe they are.  I believe they can see angels and into the spiritual realm.  We block it out with all of our wonderful powers of reason and mature understanding.  People in third world countries still see angels and demons, just as they did in the Old Testament, why?  I would hazard to guess it's because of the lack of technology.  The more technologically smart we get the more spiritually dumb we get.  We see everything as smoke and mirrors because of movies and television, now.  We are no longer open to the wonders of His hand working, not once we pass a certain age of "understanding".

How did this happen?  Mature adults explained it away for us.  Then parents, teachers, bosses, and other authority figures chimed in to "tell" us who we are and what we are capable of.  No wonder so many people are sitting on psychologist's couches.  Deep down inside is that still small voice that was there from the time before time, who according to Psalm 139 "Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them."  Before we were even conceived we were assigned our duties to be carried  out, and when we don't it causes a rift within ourselves.  A yearning to fulfill something that sometimes we describe as, "I don't know what."

We must be careful in this state as well, because this leaves us with a hole in our heart.  A hole that calls out for a reconnection with the One who created us, so that we can be directed to our destiny.  We then struggle and start to fill this hole with anything, just so it is filled and we don't fill empty.  Satan, that old lion and serpent who is seeking whom he may destroy is looking for just such a person to fill with lies.  "Go ahead, have another drink it will fill the hole.", but it doesn't.  "Try another woman or man, they will fill the hole.", but they don't.  "This next drug, that will do the trick.", but it only makes you forget as long as you are high, than reality comes crashing back.  "Eat some more, fill up that's the way to plug that hole.", except the weight gain makes the hole even bigger.  Only One can fill the hole, that is a real honest relationship with the Father, and none can come to the Father except through Jesus Christ the Son.  When you have done that, keep seeking His face and He will reveal to you your destiny, your assignment.  At that point, a contentment enters no matter what circumstances come your way.  You know you are on task, you are fulfilling your God-given work.  What you were anointed to do.

The 23rd Psalm is interestingly constructed.  Before starting out He makes me lie down and rest, then He leads me by the still waters.  The Holy Spirit is referred to as living water, and His guidance as a still small voice.  He gets me to rest and fills me with wisdom, then just prior to walking through the valley of the shadow of death, I am told that He guides me on the path of righteousness.  This means I can walk this path through the valley, this is why I fear no evil.  His rod and His staff are there to comfort me because for His name sake they keep me on the path of righteousness.  He prepares a table before me, in the presence of my enemies.  Who are my enemies?  Satan and his minions.  He anoints my head with oil.  He gives me my assignment, not man.  And, when I do His work that He has assigned me, guess what happens?  My cup runs over.  When I stick to this goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life because I am dwelling in His house, forever.

Another thing about Satan?  If we look at the 91st Psalm it says not once but twice, that when we take our refuge in Him, we will trample the lion and the serpent.  Who is the lion and the serpent?  Satan.  Time and time again the scriptures tell us that as long as we stay nestled beneath our Father's loving, caring protection we have absolutely nothing to fear from the enemy.  He can rage and scream, and make things "look" as if it is falling down, yet it will not come near our tent.  That's a promise of God.

So, seek God to find your assignment.  Follow His leading to your anointing to fulfill what He, not the world, but He said you are here to do.  It doesn't matter if no one else in the world believes in you, He does.  Just remember Jesus died so you can do what you were sent here to do, because Jehovah Saves.

We come before You right now, asking You to show us the way to be everything You have created us to be.  Let us not look at what anyone has ever said about us contrary to Your assigned anointing.  Let us shake it off, and push forward into the glory of Your will for our lives as little children.  Humbly accepting and believing all You have in store for us.

In Jesus name,

Jesus means Jehovah Saves. Even His name means redemption from God!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Common Clarification

I was thinking about my last my last blog, and a comment about how it seemed I was saying that we shouldn't protect our children at all.  I do apologize if that was how that came across, because that's not at all what I meant or intended.  I was also thinking about another comment regarding faith and how a person who had gone down to Mexico and gotten a bad parasite which they now cannot get rid of.  Walking by faith is not synonymous with throwing ALL caution to the wind.

So, let me add a bit more clarification and expansion.  I am not speaking about not protecting our children or our families for that matter.  Common sense dictates that we do.  God would not have put them with us if that had not been His plan.  I liken this to Paul being bitten by the snake on the island he was shipwrecked on.  Did he go out looking for the most poisonous snake on the island?  Of course not.  He was looking for firewood and there was one in it.  It latched on to him and he shook it off, fully expecting God to protect him from it's dangers because he was walking in faith.  He didn't worry about it being dangerous.  A person who is seeking God and repenting of their old ways, no matter what they were is no different.  We shouldn't be "worrying" so much about them being "dangerous".  We should be praying for them, and helping them to make a full reconciliation with God.  As Jesus said to the men who brought the woman caught in adultery forward, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone."

No one is saying to forget about common sense.  I wouldn't make them the head of the children's ministry or the youth groups.  That extreme would be like throwing common sense out the window.  It would be like coming across a pit of rattlesnakes, removing our socks and shoes and walking through them, laughing as they bit us saying God will protect me.  More than likely you will get very sick from snake venom.  Why, because you aren't supposed to play with snakes.  You also aren't supposed to drink the water in Mexico (I am speaking of the woman who got the parasite in Mexico), we Americans don't have the immunities to do what the natives do down there.  We are overly anti-bacterial conscious, but that's a subject for another blog.  Plus,  we are not to bring temptation to a brother or sister.  Would you place a bottle of Vodka and a glass in front of a recovering alcoholic?

Now, God will protects us from "unintentional" errors, but not blatant thumbing of our noses at His rules.  If that weren't so, Jesus wouldn't have told Satan that we are not to tempt the Lord our God when he told him to throw himself off the temple gable since it is written that God himself will send his angels to lift us up lest we strike our foot on a stone (see Psalm 91).  Just because we have protection, doesn't give us the right to flaunt it.  Why?  Because, God is not at our personal beck and call.  He doesn't jump at our whims.  When we get ourselves into messes He is required to help us back out.  The Lord's prayer says "Your (God's) will be done" not our will be done.

Do we really believe it is His will to reject anyone because of their past mistakes, no matter what they are?  Jesus said that there is only one sin that is unforgivable, that is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.  When did this happen, when the Pharisees accused Him of casting out demons by Satan's power.  So, the only sin that cannot be forgiven is stating that the Holy Spirit is evil.  All the rest of it can and is to be forgiven.  If we don't it only causes a huge rift within the body of Christ.

And, oh doesn't Satan just laugh at our stupidity and unmitigated pride and stupidity.  He whispers into our ears, "This is a sin that can't be forgive, it was committed against a child"  Where does it say that in the Bible? Or how about, "There are different levels of sin, some are too great to be forgiven"  Can't find that one in my Bible.    Another one, "You have to keep them away from "polite society" because they will corrupt others."  My Bible reads that "He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world."  Does yours say something different?

We have to be so careful about what we let into our minds, this is where the fight truly is.  Ephesians 6:12 says, "For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood, [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms,  against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.

When we reject a brother or sister in Christ based on what they have done in their past, what they have repented of and asked the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of, we are falling into a very dangerous trap.  We are judging the flesh, and not looking at the spiritual realm which is very much at work in all of this.  You cannot be a Christian and not believe this.  Christ believed in this, He cast out demons and evil spirits and said we were to do the same.  More so we have to be careful of letting those spirits into our own lives through seemingly protective ideologies.  I am sure that the "Christians" who shot and killed abortion clinic staff thought they were only doing what was best to "protect" the innocent.

Father God, we come to You right now asking you to show us Your way, and to show us the errors in our own ways.  Help us to walk Your path in helping each and every person You bring to us to help according to Your word and will.  Help us to prayerfully seek Your guidance in what we do, and not rely on our own understanding of things.  We know that we see through a mirror darkly for now, and one day we will see all clearly.  But, until that day we need for You to consistently show us what is right, and who is seeking You.  Help us to have discernment in these matters, so as not to sully the reputation of Your bride, Jesus.  In Jesus name we pray, Amen

Friday, September 10, 2010

What's Wrong With Us?

So I was reading an article the other day in a popular mainstream Christian magazine.  Christianity Today, actually it's called.  It's a pretty good magazine I find that it's articles are generally open-minded within the limits of Christianity.  Not fanatical or anything, just plain informative.  What bothered me about the article were the attitudes that were being evidenced by my "Christian" brothers and sisters in regards to this subject, including learned clergy members.  Who one would expect to know better. 

The article was about sex offenders and whether they should be allowed in church services.  Not if they should be allowed to be Sunday School Teachers or Youth Leaders, no the question presented here is should they be allowed to attend services, period.  Seriously?  Why, is that even a question?  The first thought that went through my mind was the old cliche "What Would Jesus Do", with this question, with them?  Oh, that's right.  He would embrace and accept them. 

So that being said I have a couple of issues with the attitude of my spiritual siblings, towards so some of my other spiritual siblings.  Regardless, of what crimes they committed in the past, when they accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts and submitted their lives over to Him they became part of the body, part of the family. 

1.  When did God become too weak to take care of our natural children and families?  Many times questions about the welfare of our children and families are not left to God.  Christians become like the rest of the world and immediately think that they are the only one's who can protect them, then when something goes wrong, they want to blame God for not protecting them.  How hypocritical is this?  Like the Pharisees, they practice a form of Christianity or religion that is for the masses to see, but in reality it is only surface stuff.  There is nothing real about their faith, where is the action that the book of James calls for.  According to this scripture faith without works is dead.  "So also faith, if it does not have works (deeds and actions to of obedience to back it up), by itself is destitute of power (inoperative, dead)." James 2:17  

If you fall into this way of thinking it's like saying you believe that God can move mountains, but He can't move the heart of a man never to harm another person.  If that's true than you are also saying the story of Saul converted to Paul is a lie.  

Let's put that story into modern psychological terms.  People haven't really changed we just understand more about the mind and motivations of the human condition now.  

Saul was a sociopath, plain and simple.  He never killed anyone, yet he incited the masses to stone Stephen to death.  He was on fire to catch, persecute, and have executed any of the "Christians" or Christ followers because they were teaching something that did not support the teachings of the traditional Rabbinical ways. Please make sure you note I italicized traditional on purpose.  

What is a sociopath?  According to definitions for psychology.  A sociopath is a person who fits in with their "social group" but not anyone outside of that.  They are often violent, especially to anyone who is a threat to their way of thinking.  Sounds a lot like Paul doesn't it?  He was having people killed for their way of thinking, regardless of what age they were.  Yet, he is one of the greatest teachers of Christ an wrote 2/3's of the New Testament.  Including Romans 12:17-18, Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is honest and proper and noble [aiming to be above reproach] in the sight of everyone.  If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.  This is the same man who incited the Jews to riot and kill Christians.

If God changed him, why can't he change a sex offender?  Has God changed?  My Bible says that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

2. The fact that they are saying that there are levels of sin.  That sex offense is worse than being a con artist, adultery, or embezzlement.  Or what about, hatred, anger that has not been controlled, jealousy, envy, lust, the list goes on.  All of which God has stated are offensive to Him.  We don't keep people from coming to church because they have committed these "crimes".

I did appreciate the facts that were stated in the article about the recidivism rate of sex offenders, and how low it truly is.  Unfortunately, if one watches too many episodes of Law and Order, SVU or some other programs and take what is said there as gospel they are in for trouble.  People need to remember, these are scripts and they are written to get reactions and to keep you from turning the channel.  A lot of what is said is said for just that reason, to get an emotional response from you.  However, you shouldn't make life decisions, especially when they effect someone else, based on these shows.

The other thing the article spoke truth about, which was very good to see was most sex offense crimes are committed on family members or people that are very familiar to the perpetrator, not strangers.  Again, the media is a very dangerous place to get your life decision information from.  Most of it is not correct, kinda like all blacks are dark-skinned, nappy haired, and speak as if we have just come from the ghetto projects.  I can't tell you how many times people have told me I "don't sound black" as if there was a black vernacular.  What they mean is I don't sound like what they have seen television and movies depict what black people sound like.

I will give credit where credit is do, the shows do state one truth, there is a National registry to protect "us" from sex offenders, as if this is the only crime out there that negatively impacts people.  If a person were convicted of manslaughter, served their time and then they were released from prison, there is nothing that forewarns of this person's history unless they choose to tell us.  Even if they have committed a murder and cut a deal to be released early, again nothing to "warn" us and most would be fairly open to allowing these folks into church.

The article speaks to Christians being some of the easiest to dupe.  We probably are.  Why?  Because we don't take matters to the Lord in prayer, we don't follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.  We are either swinging from one side of the pendulum or the other.  Rush in and accept them or turn our backs and deny them.  How about asking God, "How would you like us to proceed?  Is this person truly Your child or is he merely pretending?"  God will answer, "ask and it will be given to you" Matthew 7:7  That means we will get an answer.  

The other thing it said which I heartily agree with, but I don't see us handling as Christ did is that sex offenders are the lepers of today.  There are even "colonies" were they must live in some states.  However, I don't remember Jesus telling them that they couldn't be a part of the church once they had been cleaned.  They were to go to the head of the church, and checked out.  It wasn't up to the congregation.  The church leaders were not swayed by the congregation in these matters either.  This was their "God-given" duty, and they took it very seriously.

What has changed?  What Jesus said would change.  We now have church elders that are more afraid of losing church numbers than God's approval.  They preach what the congregation wants to hear, do what the congregation wants to do, and subsequently no one is really getting saved, and there is no "faith in action."

It saddens me to think that the Body of Christ is so riddled with cancer.  However, I believe it is.  Why do I say that?  Well, what is cancer exactly?  According to Wikipedia here is a simplified definition: 
"is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth(division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood)."

So think about that in terms of the Body.  Cells being each Christian.  Cancerous cells would be those who exhibit uncontrolled negative growth which causes them to become invasive to the adjacent tissues, (other Christians - brothers and sisters in Christ), and occasionally even effecting others who are not immediately in our vicinity.  (This occurs from media segments, false teachings, etc...)
No wonder Jesus spoke about removing the offending body part.  What do you do with a body part that is full of cancer?  You cut it off, rather than have it infect the whole body.

What is all this getting to?  We need to rethink the way that we are practicing our Christianity.  In fact, we need to stop "practicing" and start living it.  Living it means doing the thing that makes us uncomfortable, the thing that will enhance the other person life, and may make our's a little less easy.  Yes, that means inviting a recovering sex offender into our church community that is seeking redemption.  We often quote John 3:16 as the basis for our salvation, but let's look down a little bit further at the first part of John 3:18.  These are Jesus' own words, "Whoever (I don't see any exclusion for sex offenders or lepers) believes in Him is not condemned..."  

Another scripture to think about with every sincere part of our Christian hearts and if we are guilty cringe and repent.  Matthew 7:1, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."  (Are you not judging this person unworthy of being among you when you say they can't attend because of their past?).  7:2, "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (italics mine)  Can you really stand to be judged and measured by your own rule of condemnation?   I won't expand on the rest of the scripture that goes into getting the plank out of your own eye before tackling the speck of sawdust out of your brothers.

The bottom line here is we need to have the heart for our fellow human beings with the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit, which is going to require some serious knee time, that Jesus had.  He spent a lot of time seeking God's face before He started His day.  This is how He was able to keep from becoming a respecter of persons.  He was just as much human as we were when He was here, otherwise His trip here wouldn't have meant anything.  He wasn't "God" while He was here on this earth, He gave it up to rescue us, to sacrifice Himself on that cross for us.  How are we showing our respect for that?  Call me cynical but, I don't think excluding seekers of redemption in Him from attending church is it.