Friday, October 15, 2010

You Have To Fight to Stay Faithful

Faith doesn't come easy.  It isn't an automatic pilot type of thing.  It requires that we focus on God and not our circumstances consistently.  The enemy is going to try to steal your faith, every single day of your life.  Whatever he can do to make you doubt, which is the opposite of faith, he's going to do it.

This has been going on since the beginning.  Before man was on the scene there was a battle in heaven.  Why?  Because Lucifer convinced other angels that God's sovereignty was in doubt.  That His supremacy could be challenged. 

The one thing that Satan is is tenacious.  Even though he was booted out of Heaven, and doomed for the Lake of Fire he doesn't stop in his rebellion.  Perhaps it is a, "I've got nothing to lose" mentality.  Who knows?  What matters is that he goes after God's prized creation, man. 

He does this by planting seeds of doubt into Eve.  Here we see the first incident of man not fighting to stay faithful.  This is from two people who had direct interaction with God daily.  If they had these difficulties staying faith, how much more of a fight is it for us?  Yet, I digress from my point I am trying to make here. 

Let's see how they didn't fight to remain faithful.  In Genesis 3, Satan approaches the woman in the guise of a serpent.  The serpent must have been a willing party to this because he gets in trouble later, but let's stay on track that's a commentary for another blog.  He starts the conversation by questioning her faith in God's desire for them to have the very best of everything.  "He said to the woman, "Did God really say, "You must not eat from any tree in the garden?"

Let's dissect this statement, the first part is immediately a challenge to her faith.  "Did God REALLY say..."  How many times do we question what God has told us?  Did He really tell me to forgive that person?  Did He really say to tithe 10%?  Did He really tell me to speak to that person about my faith?  The list is infinitesimal.  This is working on our faith, any time we question what God has said we are not being faithful.  I'm not talking about making sure it is God speaking to you, no I'm talking about when you know that you know it is God and you question what He has told you to do.  That is what Eve did, let's continue...

Verse 2 has her answering the serpent with what God has instructed, that they are not to touch the tree in the middle of the garden or they will die.  Satan responds with a rationalization, he tells her that she won't die.  That in reality the only reason God doesn't want them to eat of this tree is because they will become like Him.  Essentially, he perpetuates the lie that God is afraid of them.  Why in the world would God be afraid of what He had lovingly created?  He has provided for their every need, denying them nothing, and wanting to protect them from what would hurt them.  Just as any loving parent would.

So often as children we question our parents' decisions, not understanding why they say no to things that can ultimately do us harm.  This is the same situation for God and His first creations, as well as us today.  Satan did not create the lack of faith, Eve did not fight to maintain her faith it what she knew from what she had seen her entire existence.  She takes a second look at the tree, and starts to rationalize again.  It's good for food (she has plenty of other sources of food), it's pleasing to the eye (she was in the Garden of Eden everything there was pleasing to the eye), and it was desirable  for gaining wisdom.  The last is the most important part, her desire was to gain wisdom on her own instead  of relying on her faith in her loving Creator to give her wisdom.  She gave up, and gave in without a fight.  Adam, did even less although he had known God longer that Eve he did not question for one moment her actions, he just went along with it.  Not putting up one once of a fight at all.

As you can see, from the beginning of mankind we have had to fight to maintain our faith.  When we don't we fall prey to the enemy and his unscrupulous and conniving ways.

What are you not being faithful about?  Look into your life and honestly exam your walk with Christ.  Are you fighting for your faith or are like Adam and Eve are you giving in to the temptation of unbelief?  Faith is a gift, as it states in Ephesians 2:8, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God --" (Italics mine).  You see faith is a gift that we must protect.  Don't take it for granted.  If you cherish something you will fight for it, tooth and nail.

Fight for your faith, fight to remain faithful.  Through prayer, and petition, as Philippians 4:6 states for us to remain in faith.  "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."  When we act in faith seeking God for direction because we trust Him to take care of all things Philippians 4:7 continues the promise with "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

You can't understand faith, or the results that it creates.  Yet, it is the most precious thing we have, with it we can move mountains.  Mountains of debt, bad relationships, health problems, or any other issue that may be happening in your life.  You have enough faith to do whatever God has destined you to do.  I know because His word says He gave us our faith.  Why wouldn't He have given us enough to get us to the other side, to help us walk on water so to speak? 

You have to decide will you fight or will you fold?

Please forgive us for the times we have not fought to stay faithful, for the times that we have listened and believed the words and lies of the enemy.  Help us to keep focused on Your truth and fight to protect the faith You have gifted us with.  It is a treasure as is our salvation.  We praise You for Your love and devotion to us, even in our fallen state.  Thank You Jesus for Your sacrifice to bring us into right standing with our Father.  Thank You Lord, for the faith You have bestowed upon each of us, and help us to see it every day of our lives and live every aspect of these gifted lives for You.

In Jesus name,


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