We often hear about Jesus being Emmanuel, God with us. But, did you know that Jesus means Jehovah Saves? At birth our savior was designated for His assignment. God saves. With that in mind understand that we are all sent here with an assignment to fulfill.
How do we know what it is we are to be doing while we are here on earth? Well, we all know that we are to spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That's the great commission. However, we all have individual missions as well.
I talked the other day about us each being cells within the body of Christ. Each cell within a body has a function to perform, as long as it performs it's function correctly the body functions correctly. It is a quid pro quo of sorts. When it does not, it effects the rest of the body.
Many of us have no idea what are assignment is. Did you know, just like Jesus you were given it when you were sent here? Look at an infant, look at a toddler. Prior to human interference they know who and what they are about. Watch them, often they look as if the are listening to someone you can't see. I believe they are. I believe they can see angels and into the spiritual realm. We block it out with all of our wonderful powers of reason and mature understanding. People in third world countries still see angels and demons, just as they did in the Old Testament, why? I would hazard to guess it's because of the lack of technology. The more technologically smart we get the more spiritually dumb we get. We see everything as smoke and mirrors because of movies and television, now. We are no longer open to the wonders of His hand working, not once we pass a certain age of "understanding".
How did this happen? Mature adults explained it away for us. Then parents, teachers, bosses, and other authority figures chimed in to "tell" us who we are and what we are capable of. No wonder so many people are sitting on psychologist's couches. Deep down inside is that still small voice that was there from the time before time, who according to Psalm 139 "Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them." Before we were even conceived we were assigned our duties to be carried out, and when we don't it causes a rift within ourselves. A yearning to fulfill something that sometimes we describe as, "I don't know what."
We must be careful in this state as well, because this leaves us with a hole in our heart. A hole that calls out for a reconnection with the One who created us, so that we can be directed to our destiny. We then struggle and start to fill this hole with anything, just so it is filled and we don't fill empty. Satan, that old lion and serpent who is seeking whom he may destroy is looking for just such a person to fill with lies. "Go ahead, have another drink it will fill the hole.", but it doesn't. "Try another woman or man, they will fill the hole.", but they don't. "This next drug, that will do the trick.", but it only makes you forget as long as you are high, than reality comes crashing back. "Eat some more, fill up that's the way to plug that hole.", except the weight gain makes the hole even bigger. Only One can fill the hole, that is a real honest relationship with the Father, and none can come to the Father except through Jesus Christ the Son. When you have done that, keep seeking His face and He will reveal to you your destiny, your assignment. At that point, a contentment enters no matter what circumstances come your way. You know you are on task, you are fulfilling your God-given work. What you were anointed to do.
The 23rd Psalm is interestingly constructed. Before starting out He makes me lie down and rest, then He leads me by the still waters. The Holy Spirit is referred to as living water, and His guidance as a still small voice. He gets me to rest and fills me with wisdom, then just prior to walking through the valley of the shadow of death, I am told that He guides me on the path of righteousness. This means I can walk this path through the valley, this is why I fear no evil. His rod and His staff are there to comfort me because for His name sake they keep me on the path of righteousness. He prepares a table before me, in the presence of my enemies. Who are my enemies? Satan and his minions. He anoints my head with oil. He gives me my assignment, not man. And, when I do His work that He has assigned me, guess what happens? My cup runs over. When I stick to this goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life because I am dwelling in His house, forever.
Another thing about Satan? If we look at the 91st Psalm it says not once but twice, that when we take our refuge in Him, we will trample the lion and the serpent. Who is the lion and the serpent? Satan. Time and time again the scriptures tell us that as long as we stay nestled beneath our Father's loving, caring protection we have absolutely nothing to fear from the enemy. He can rage and scream, and make things "look" as if it is falling down, yet it will not come near our tent. That's a promise of God.
So, seek God to find your assignment. Follow His leading to your anointing to fulfill what He, not the world, but He said you are here to do. It doesn't matter if no one else in the world believes in you, He does. Just remember Jesus died so you can do what you were sent here to do, because Jehovah Saves.
We come before You right now, asking You to show us the way to be everything You have created us to be. Let us not look at what anyone has ever said about us contrary to Your assigned anointing. Let us shake it off, and push forward into the glory of Your will for our lives as little children. Humbly accepting and believing all You have in store for us.
In Jesus name,
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