Monday, April 11, 2011

You Have a Spirit of Power, Love, & Self-Discipline


So many people can recite the first part of the verse from 2Timothy 1:7 on fear, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity…”, but often the second part of that sentence that Paul wrote in his last letter to anyone is forgotten.  “but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.”  It is very important that you see the contrast. This is the NIV translation of this verse.

In the Amplified translation, it says it this way, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but (He has given us a spirit) of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.

WOW!  What this word meant in the Greek was not simply timidity, but cowardice, to be a craven, cringing coward, trembling in fear from what others might think of us.  That is what this verse is about.  Paul was instructing Timothy to keep the fire alive in him that God had originally sparked by imparting gifts or talents in Him to help him to bless others through teaching and preaching.  Letting him know to not worry about what others think, and do what God had called him to do regardless of what anyone else might think.

The Holy Spirit in us fills us with power, love, and self-discipline.  These emotions and thought patterns by their very nature override any type of fear that could try to assail us. 

Like Timothy, we are all put into a position, when fulfilling the destiny that God created us for, we become a little afraid, sometimes a lot afraid.  That’s okay, we have to go on in spite of that fear.  Two scriptures scream to the forefront at this sentiment.  Romans 8:28 and Philippians 4:13 – “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” and “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

It really doesn’t matter what outcome we are shooting for, our aim and purpose should be to bring people into a relationship or closer relationship with Christ and not worry about ourselves or what they may think of us for speaking up or using our God-given gifts. 

We have a society that is so concerned with what others think that our kids are now going to school and shooting each other because they were humiliated in front of other.  Or, entire reputations are being destroyed by viral photos or videos that were taken at inopportune moments.  Why?  It’s funny, it’s fun to point fingers at someone else… 

How about the fact that there are drugs that have been created to incapacitate a victim so you can rape them and then make sure that they can’t press charges because it wipes their memory?

These are the norms, not exceptions to the rules.  Jesus said that our society would basically start to crumble in on itself and it has.  We as Christians don’t have to give in to that, however.  We are to be “as wise as snakes, but as gentle as dove,” according to Matthew 10:16.  This means to be aware of the evils, but not get involved in them.  We have nothing to fear from anyone in the world, because “…If God is for us, who can be against us?”  Romans 8:31b

We don’t have to behave as they do.  We are to hold ourselves to a higher standard.  With the spirit of power, love and self-discipline we can do just that.  Power, love and self-discipline are all contrary to fear.  There is no power in fear, there is no love in fear, and there is no self-discipline in fear.  The two cannot reside within you at the same time, you must give up one spirit for the other.  Either you can have the very shallow one-dimensional spirit that will keep you under its thumb and from moving forward or you can kick him to the curb and embrace and use the Holy Spirit with all the abilities He gives you to use the gifts you have had within you from the time you were born.  He gave you the dreams, let Him fulfill His promises that He gave you when He put them in your heart, with the talents to fulfill them.  Oh, and stop listening to Satan or his disciple the spirit of fear or cowardice.  Just a hint…they LIE!

We are at war, there is no room for people who are cowards when fighting a war.  It doesn’t mean you won’t feel some fear, that is natural, but you charge into the fray anyway no matter how afraid you are.  Spiritual warfare means using all that spiritual power to render the enemy defenseless, use spiritual love to love them into salvation, and spiritual self-discipline to have the wisdom to pick your battles properly.  See, after all that there is no room left for timidity.



How wonderful, Father God, to know that even my most feared enemy does not have final control over me.  Even if he put me to death, he could not part my soul from Your love.

I’m not facing death today, but I face fears that feel like death.  That killjoy, Satan, tells me that by following You, I kill off every chance to fulfill certain hopes and dreams.  A thousand small deaths attack my soul. 

Keep me obedient to Your love; help me trust that You will bring me good things.  I need faith to see blessings instead of fears.

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