Wednesday, May 11, 2011

His Grace to Face…Me

Everyone who has ever had even a brief introduction to the story of Jesus’ last days knows, even if briefly the story of Peter and his “disgraceful” denial of Jesus. Not once, not twice, but three times.  Many shake their heads when they read or hear this story.  Peter was so adamant about how he would go to the death for Jesus, so sincere was his faith in Him, and his dedication to his devotion in Him.  Yet, Jesus told him point blank that before the rooster crowed in the morning he, Peter, would deny Him three times.

According to Luke, Peter was pretty adamant about how he would respond if anyone threatened Jesus, or if anything were to happen.  Jesus says to him pretty plainly, “Simon, listen to me! Satan has demanded the right to test each one of you, as a farmer does when he separates the wheat from the husks.” Luke 22:31 (CEV) 

Satan didn’t ask, he demanded.  Obviously, he still has some “rights” here to “test” us.  To try and “separate” us from our Father and Jesus, if he can. 

Jesus continues, “But Simon, I have prayed that your faith will be strong.  And when you have come back to me, help the others.”  Luke 22:32 (CEV)

Did you catch that?  “when you have come back to me…”  This is prior to Jesus’ statement about the rooster, that’s still to come.  He is leading up to the fact that Peter is going to turn his back on Him.  Why?  Because the devil made him do it?  Not at all, it will be because of something within Peter, that he was unaware of at this moment.  Something that the circumstances, the situation that will occur had to reveal to him that he still had inside him.  He would not have acknowledged or faced it any other way, or become the man of God that he became.  But, let’s not get ahead of the story.

Now, Peter at the Lord’s words is probably a bit incredulous.  Remember, Peter is a hot-head, emotional, the “let’s get out there and do it” one.  In verse 33 he answers Jesus, “Peter said, ‘Lord, I am ready to go with you to jail and even to die with you.”

Easy words when all is calm.  Many times it is not until we are going through the trial that we see the true flaws and cracks in our character.  This is why God allows us to go through them.  It is also why Jesus prayed for all of us, that our faith would stand to get us through these times, because it is only with the persecutions that we see our true nature and are able to purge that which does not glorify Him.

The next verse is the famous one from Jesus to Peter, “Peter, I tell you that before a rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will say three times that you don’t know me.” Luke 22:34 (CEV, emphasis mine)

We are not told what Peter’s reaction to His words are.  Jesus goes on to give them further instructions about how to travel and spread the gospel.  I can only imagine the look of incredulous speculation on Peter’s face after Jesus’ statement.  He had just vowed that he would follow Jesus to the death, and His response was that he would deny him not once, not twice, but three times before the sun had cleared the horizon.

What’s interesting is that roosters crow all the time, not just in the morning as the sun comes up.  In fact, in Matthew and Mark, it says that Jesus told him before the rooster crows three times, and two times, tonight.  That is what makes the bible so wonderful, the same stories are related, but not exactly verbatim.  It is what helps us know that they are truly real.  No one sat around correlating their story before writing it down, they told it the way they remembered it. 

The bottom line is that Peter was told that he would deny Christ, by the Lord himself before the next day had really begun.  The bigger question is not if he did it but, why?

So, a little bit further on in the exact same chapter we see Peter, after Jesus has been taken into custody, sitting around a fire in the courtyard outside of where Jesus was being held.  He could see Jesus from where he sat.  He is questioned by a servant girl, not an authority figure, but a servant girl, someone that he although a fisherman, could have told to get lost.  His guilt did not allow for this though, what did he do? He denied it.  A little bit later someone else said the same thing, and got the same answer.  A third time, someone else and again the same answer only this time the rooster crowed as he was speaking.  Peter’s head came up and Jesus’ head turned and their eyes met.  Peter remembered what Jesus had said to him.  Peter jumps up, runs away and cries… 

This grown man of action, is now sobbing.  Not for what is about to happen to his Lord, but for the realization of the flaw that is still within himself.  Self-preservation.  It is because of this situation that Peter is able to face and purge that portion of himself.  If this had not happened, he may never have come to realize that he put himself, even before the Lord.  In that instant, looking into Christ’s eyes he saw his own selfishness, his pride, his ego and knew that if he was truly going to take up his cross and follow his Master he had to surrender it. 

This is a place we all must go to.  The Lord will bring us to a place where we must face the ugliness within ourselves, that part of ourselves that Satan would love to manipulate and use to turn us away from Him.  Remember, he demanded the right to test each one, and he did…  Of course, according to Acts, Peter past the test magnificently. 

However, it is the place where the enemy can get a foothold if we let him.  Only by facing it through His grace can we overcome the pain of letting that which He reveals to us go, and become who He designed us to be.

Simon was created to be Peter, the Rock.  You were created to be something as well.  God will show you what that is if you diligently seek Him, and only you can keep you from reaching it.  Pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you what stands in the way of your achieving it, and then prepare yourself to get there.  It will not be an easy road, there will be tears and pain, but His grace will give you the ability and strength to face whatever it is and overcome it.  Remember, the enemy is a liar.  With God all things ARE possible.

 From Light for My Path – Prayers & Promises

Like just about everyone, Lord, I don’t enjoy being corrected.  It seems more like adversity than love when You show me I’ve been wrong.  Help me to see that only Your love prompts You to ask me to change.  I can only have the good things You want for me by learning Your ways.  Sometimes adversity is the only way You can teach me the lessons I need to learn.

Help me to walk more perfectly in Your path, so that I can find rest from adversity.  Teach me Your way.

In Jesus’ name,


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