Monday, September 13, 2010

Common Clarification

I was thinking about my last my last blog, and a comment about how it seemed I was saying that we shouldn't protect our children at all.  I do apologize if that was how that came across, because that's not at all what I meant or intended.  I was also thinking about another comment regarding faith and how a person who had gone down to Mexico and gotten a bad parasite which they now cannot get rid of.  Walking by faith is not synonymous with throwing ALL caution to the wind.

So, let me add a bit more clarification and expansion.  I am not speaking about not protecting our children or our families for that matter.  Common sense dictates that we do.  God would not have put them with us if that had not been His plan.  I liken this to Paul being bitten by the snake on the island he was shipwrecked on.  Did he go out looking for the most poisonous snake on the island?  Of course not.  He was looking for firewood and there was one in it.  It latched on to him and he shook it off, fully expecting God to protect him from it's dangers because he was walking in faith.  He didn't worry about it being dangerous.  A person who is seeking God and repenting of their old ways, no matter what they were is no different.  We shouldn't be "worrying" so much about them being "dangerous".  We should be praying for them, and helping them to make a full reconciliation with God.  As Jesus said to the men who brought the woman caught in adultery forward, "He who is without sin, cast the first stone."

No one is saying to forget about common sense.  I wouldn't make them the head of the children's ministry or the youth groups.  That extreme would be like throwing common sense out the window.  It would be like coming across a pit of rattlesnakes, removing our socks and shoes and walking through them, laughing as they bit us saying God will protect me.  More than likely you will get very sick from snake venom.  Why, because you aren't supposed to play with snakes.  You also aren't supposed to drink the water in Mexico (I am speaking of the woman who got the parasite in Mexico), we Americans don't have the immunities to do what the natives do down there.  We are overly anti-bacterial conscious, but that's a subject for another blog.  Plus,  we are not to bring temptation to a brother or sister.  Would you place a bottle of Vodka and a glass in front of a recovering alcoholic?

Now, God will protects us from "unintentional" errors, but not blatant thumbing of our noses at His rules.  If that weren't so, Jesus wouldn't have told Satan that we are not to tempt the Lord our God when he told him to throw himself off the temple gable since it is written that God himself will send his angels to lift us up lest we strike our foot on a stone (see Psalm 91).  Just because we have protection, doesn't give us the right to flaunt it.  Why?  Because, God is not at our personal beck and call.  He doesn't jump at our whims.  When we get ourselves into messes He is required to help us back out.  The Lord's prayer says "Your (God's) will be done" not our will be done.

Do we really believe it is His will to reject anyone because of their past mistakes, no matter what they are?  Jesus said that there is only one sin that is unforgivable, that is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.  When did this happen, when the Pharisees accused Him of casting out demons by Satan's power.  So, the only sin that cannot be forgiven is stating that the Holy Spirit is evil.  All the rest of it can and is to be forgiven.  If we don't it only causes a huge rift within the body of Christ.

And, oh doesn't Satan just laugh at our stupidity and unmitigated pride and stupidity.  He whispers into our ears, "This is a sin that can't be forgive, it was committed against a child"  Where does it say that in the Bible? Or how about, "There are different levels of sin, some are too great to be forgiven"  Can't find that one in my Bible.    Another one, "You have to keep them away from "polite society" because they will corrupt others."  My Bible reads that "He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world."  Does yours say something different?

We have to be so careful about what we let into our minds, this is where the fight truly is.  Ephesians 6:12 says, "For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood, [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms,  against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.

When we reject a brother or sister in Christ based on what they have done in their past, what they have repented of and asked the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of, we are falling into a very dangerous trap.  We are judging the flesh, and not looking at the spiritual realm which is very much at work in all of this.  You cannot be a Christian and not believe this.  Christ believed in this, He cast out demons and evil spirits and said we were to do the same.  More so we have to be careful of letting those spirits into our own lives through seemingly protective ideologies.  I am sure that the "Christians" who shot and killed abortion clinic staff thought they were only doing what was best to "protect" the innocent.

Father God, we come to You right now asking you to show us Your way, and to show us the errors in our own ways.  Help us to walk Your path in helping each and every person You bring to us to help according to Your word and will.  Help us to prayerfully seek Your guidance in what we do, and not rely on our own understanding of things.  We know that we see through a mirror darkly for now, and one day we will see all clearly.  But, until that day we need for You to consistently show us what is right, and who is seeking You.  Help us to have discernment in these matters, so as not to sully the reputation of Your bride, Jesus.  In Jesus name we pray, Amen

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